Every time a marketing project popped up that required a non-traditional, creative-thinking assassin, we turned to Meg. She just makes things happen, no matter what.
— James Maravetz, VP of Marketing at flying dog
Meghan and I worked together for nearly five years in multiple capacities at Flying Dog Brewery. She was always eager to present ideas, thoughts, past experiences, and suggestions which was a huge help in such a creative, demanding atmosphere. One of Meghan’s many strengths was her ability to creatively solve the many roadblocks we would encounter – and all with a positive attitude. I would highly recommend Meghan as a problem solver, a creative thinker, and a self-starter.
— Kristin Hanna, Brewery Experience Director at Flying Dog
Meghan is a very engaging person to work with. She continuously educates herself through smart questions yet challenges the status quo by seeking alternate solutions. Her attention to detail is sharp, seldomly settling for less than what is expected of her or her brand. Regarding partnership, Meghan retains an open mind to collaborate with co-workers/industry partners to find joint solutions, even as roadblocks or other difficulties arise. I would happily join Meghan on any business venture based on drive and loyalty to purpose alone.
— Doug Wright, Senior Account Exec at TAG
I am Vice President of the Meghan Hessler Fan Club. No task is too difficult for her to tackle. If she doesn’t have an answer at her fingertips, she will find an expedient, high level solution that works for everyone. Every. Single. Time. She handles “emergency” situations with grace and aplomb. I look forward to engaging her services in the very near future. She’s that good.
— Jeff Weber, Founder and CEO of The Stark Raving Group
Meghan Hessler is a Creative Swiss Army Knife. Dependable with all the tools needed for success.
— Tim Martin, Owner and Filmmaker at Seagoat Productions
In my many years working as a supplier for Meghan, I can say with the upmost confidence that she was always professional, punctual, and precise her planning needs. What most impressed me was Meghan’s vision and creativity! Meghan had a special talent of bringing marketing and retail products to life that were both different and more impactful than my other clients. She was always “zigging” while the rest of the crowd was “zagging”, always at least two steps ahead of the rest of her industry.
— Chris Zielinski, Senior Account Exec at Kevin's Worldwide